I had my first day of my second semester yesterday and I have to say that so far it has started off pretty good. Even though I was super jet lagged and had a 9am class I had a 6h break till my next class so I went to town with my buddies and we did a bit of shopping and had milkshakes (omnomnom). I was feeling pretty baddass when I woke up today so this outfit came together quite smoothly and the hat that I am wearing is actually one that I bought while I was in Japan. I was shopping with my grandma in the mall near my family's apartment and I saw a neon beanie which I really liked. It was about 1280 JPY (10.20 EUR/8.77 GBP) which I thought was not so bad but for some reason I decided not to get it. We continued shopping in the supermarket clothes bit where things are significantly cheaper and I spot the exact same hat but this time for 980 JPY!!! (7.82 EUR/6.69 GBP). I felt like this was a sign that I had to buy the hat haha. I miss Japan so much already though...