These past couple of weeks have been so busy and so I am incredibly happy that I have a week off to spend in Japan visiting my grandmother. I had a more than 24h door-to-door journey ahead of me but rather than that feeling like an overly daunting fact, I was actually looking forward to it. It would be a whole 24h I could have to myself when I could be close to being completely disconnected aside from the odd Instagram and blog post. I packed the latest Elle Belgique and 11.22.63 by Stephen King - I was well prepared for long reading session. I also had to make sure that I was in comfy clothes. Not only did I have two long haul flights to sit through, I also had a 7h transit in Qatar!
Ces dernières semaines ont été très chargées et je suis donc vraiment heureuse d’être enfin bien arrivée au Japon ! Le voyage a duré 24h, et l’excitation a remplacé la fatigue de ce long périple. 24h de déconnexion totale. Une longue séance de lecture m’attendait avec des incontournables que j’avais pris avec moi, tels que Elle Belgique ou encore 11.22.63 de Stephen King… Pour être à l’aise j’avais anticipé ma tenue, en optant pour des vêtements confortables et décontractés, car une escale de 7h au Qatar m’attendait !

Rings - H&M
Sweater - Hand-me-down
Bag, coat & shoes - Zara
Headphones - Urbanears