#ComeToKerala: Kumarakom Lake Resort

Photo by Mary Narvasa

One of the most memorable parts of the trip to Kerala has to have been the houseboat ride through the backwaters from Alappuzha to Vembanad Lake where we stayed one night at the peacefully secluded Kumarakom Lake Resort.

After a long drive up from Kovalam beach, we hopped onto a beautiful houseboat that took us to the resort. The sound of the water lapping over the sides of the boat as well as the humming of the engine momentarily brought me back to my blissful summer of sailing in Sardinia earlier this year. Before boarding our houseboat, some of the guys and I bought a couple of Kingfisher beers to compliment the delicious seafood lunch that we ate as we meandered up the shimmering backwaters.

Along the way, the palm trees were aplenty and we saw a couple of lakeside churches that cater to the small communities which live in the area. Some chapels were so small that only the priest could fit inside it! Speaking of churches, I previously had no idea what a large Christian community exists in this part of India. Our tour guide told us that around 20% of the population in this state is Christian which is down to the arrival of the Portuguese followed by the Dutch hundreds of years ago.

Shortly after checking in, and a quick Skype call to my dad to express just how overcome with delight I was, Mary and I hurried off to the infinity pool overlooking the lake where rays of the golden-hour sun coated the swaying backwaters. As darkness covered the lake resort, and after a few attempts at taking underwater selfies which turned out less than flattering, we got ready to have dinner at the Ettekettu Restaurant where we also saw a short Kathakali performance with elaborate make-up which reminded me a lot of the traditionally Japanese theatre, Kabuki.

We did not have that much time to enjoy all that the resort had to offer, but amongst the activities that they offered was fishing and pottery making classes - a nifty way to have a special souvenir to bring back home. They also had a seafood restaurant on the compound which I can only imagine would have been absolutely mouthwateringly delicious. You cannot #ComeToKerala without having a seafood meal!

The following day, I decided to spring out of bed extra early to join a 7am yoga session at the Pool Pavilion with a view of Vembanad lake. I was in such a beautiful part of the country so I wanted to soak up every possible moment. After breakfast, the team and I headed on over to the small village of Aymanam which is also where Arundhati Roy's Booker prize-winning "The God of Small Things" was set. We had such a lovely afternoon discovering the livelihoods of people living there. We were shown how Toddy (palm wine) was made and we even got to have a sip. If the fermented sap is extracted earlier in the day it tends to be sweet whilst if it is left until the evening the taste is a lot more bitter. One of the highlights of the day was being able to try out palm tree climbing. I didn't go to the very top and I certainly was not as skilled as the local man who speeded to the top as briskly as walking up a flight of stairs.

Those 24h that included the houseboat tour, staying at Kumarakom Lake Resort and discovering the village of Aymanam was definitely one of the highlights of my trip to Kerala. I would definitely recommend including these things on your itinerary if you ever plan an escape to this part of the world!


Un des souvenirs marquants de mon voyage au Kerala a été le transfert en bateau de la ville d’Alappuzha au Lac Vembanad, où nous avons logé une nuit – au calme et à l’écart – au Kumarakom Lake Resort.

Après être arrivés en minibus en provenance de Kovalam, nous sommes montés à bord d’une embarcation splendide qui nous a amenés au Resort. Le rythme apaisant du clapotis de l’eau le long des côtés du bateau et le ronronnement du moteur m’ont rappelé les moments heureux que j’ai passés à la voile en Sardaigne il y a quelques mois.

Au cours du voyage nous avons vu au bord du lac de nombreux palmiers, et aussi quelques églises qui servent les petites collectivités de la région. Certaines chapelles sont tellement petites que seul le prêtre peut y entrer! Je ne savais pas auparavant que cette région de l’Inde abrite un grand nombre de chrétiens; le guide nous a dit que le 20% de la population du Kerala est chrétien, conséquence de l’arrivée des portugais et ensuite des néerlandais il y a quelque centaines d’années.

Après être arrivée à l’hôtel et après avoir parlé par Skype à mon père - je voulais lui expliquer mes sentiments de grande joie! – je suis sortie avec Mary, un de mes compagnons de voyage, à la recherche de la piscine à débordement à côté du lac, où les eaux tranquilles avaient une teinte dorée au coucher du soleil. La nuit tombait et nous avons essayé de faire des photos – peu flatteuses – sous l’eau de la piscine. Pendant le dîner au Restaurant Ettekettu on nous a présenté un spectacle Kathakali, dont le maquillage élaboré m’a rappelé le Kabuki, théâtre traditionnel japonais.

Nous n’avions pas assez de temps pour profiter de l’éventail d’activités offertes par le Kumarakom Lake Resort. Parmi ces activités il y avait la pêche et aussi la poterie, moyen astucieux de se procurer un souvenir un peu différent. Il y a aussi un restaurant de fruits de mer, qui offre des mets succulents. On ne peut pas #ComeToKerala – venir au Kerala – sans manger des fruits de mer!

Le lendemain j’ai sauté du lit très tôt afin de participer à la séance de yoga au bord du lac. Le Kerala est tellement idyllique que je voulais absorber chaque moment de mon séjour. Après le petit déjeuner nous sommes allés au petit village d’Aymanan, endroit où se déroule l’action du roman "The God of Small Things", œuvre pour lequel Arundhati Roy a décerné le Prix Booker. Nous y avons passé un bel après-midi en découvrant les métiers des habitants. On nous a montré la fabrication du vin de palme (toddy) et nous l’avons aussi goûté. Si l’on extrait la sève au matin, le goût est plus doux et sucré; si l’on la laisse jusqu’au soir, le goût devient plus âpre. Un des moments marquants de la journée, c’était ma tentative de monter en haut d’un palmier. Je ne suis pas arrivée au sommet, et certainement je n’avais pas l’agilité de l’homme du village qui a grimpé en haut comme s’il montait un escalier.

Pendant 24 heures j’ai fait un voyage sur le lac, logé au Kumarakom Lake Resort et découvert le village d’Aymanan: souvenirs inoubliables de mon voyage au Kerala. Je te conseille fortement d’inclure ces activités dans ton programme si jamais tu as la possibilité d’aller là-bas.

1. Sipping on a Kingfisher beer // 2. Lunch on board the houseboat // 3. Heading out to the pool

kumarakom lake resort
4. Chilling in a hammock // 5. Sunset over Lake Vembanad // 6. With Mary visiting Aymanam

kumarakom lake resort
7. Catching fish (photo by Melo) // 8. On the backwaters // 9. Climbing a palm tree (Photo by Kim)


kaorianne blog
It feels a little odd writing about one of the winter outfit combos I had been wearing recently from a hotel located in the Fort Kochi, where the temperature averages around 30°C everyday but alas my #CometoKerala (click the link to check out other people's posts) trip with Kerala Tourism is coming to an end I have to brave the fact that a chilly 6°C awaits me back in Luxembourg.

Here I am wearing one of my latest purchases: a sweater from Mango with famous Italian phrase CIAO BELLA written across it. To keep warm, I have one of my favourite print scarves from Zara which adds that extra something when you have a non-existent colour palette going on in your outfit. I am also  wearing this Paul's Boutique bag which I picked up from the Christmas Collection launch party in Westfield London. It was so great to finally meet the team that I have been working with for the past two and half years, as well as Paul himself - the man behind the creation of the brand. I loved seeing the pop-up store in Westfield as I had only ever seen the bags online or in Topshop. I really do hope that they come around to opening a shop soon!

Top - Mango
Scarf & coat - Zara
Bag - Paul's Boutique
Boots - H&M

Il est bizarre d’écrire ces mots au sujet d’une tenue d’hiver tandis que je me trouve dans un hôtel à Fort-Cochin en Inde, où la température moyenne oscille chaque jour autour des 30 degrés. Malheureusement, le voyage organisé par Kerala Tourism (cliquez #CometoKerala pour d’autres récits) touche à sa fin, et je dois me préparer à une temperature givrante dès mon retour au Luxembourg.

Je revêts ici un achat récent chez Mango: un chandail qui porte la phrase italienne très connue CIAO BELLA. Et pour me tenir au chaud j’ajoute une écharpe imprimée Zara, ce qui donne une nuance de couleur à un look plutôt monochrome. J’ai aussi un sac de Paul’s Boutique, que j’ai obtenu lors de sa fête de lancement à Londres-Westfield à Noël. C’était formidable de rencontrer enfin l’équipe avec laquelle je travaille depuis deux ans et demi et aussi Paul lui-même, créateur de la marque qui porte son nom. J’étais ravie de voir la boutique éphémère à Westfield, car auparavant je ne trouvais les sacs qu’en ligne ou chez Topshop. J’espère vivement que l’on va bientôt ouvrir un magasin!

mango ciao bella
ciao bella mango
pauls boutique
pauls boutique

#CometoKerala: Arrival at Kovalam Beach

come to kerala
So here I am in India! I am still having a difficult time believing that I'm actually here. I have to pause for a couple of seconds before exiting my hotel room to be greeted by the wonderful December warmth. When I arrived at Heathrow to check in for my flight, I was originally turned away from the Etihad check-in counter as I did not have an ETA (a newly introduced system to ease the Visa on Arrival process which I'll cover in more detail in a later blog post), but after a few calls to India and a chat with the manager I was able to confirm that as this ETA procedure was only introduced on the 5 December, it would not be fully enforced until the 27 December which meant HOORAY; I was able to set off for Trivandrum. Upon arrival, I realised I probably should have applied for the ETA as the Visa process took so incredibly. One thing I've learnt from this is to always keep an eye out for changes in the immigration policies of the country your visiting.

After meeting with the organisers of the #CometoKerala competition, the other winners and I took a stroll from our hotel (Turtle on the Beach) down to Kovalam beach which was streaming with families and groups of people as it was a Saturday. If you are in this area and are bit of a morning eager beaver, head on down early in the morning to see the fishermen pull in large fishing nets! I was too busy catching up on sleep to do this when I arrived at 6am but I have been told that it is quite the spectacle!


Me voilà en Inde! Je n’arrive presque pas à y croire. En sortant de la chambre de l’hôtel, je m’arrête un instant avant de me plonger dans la chaleur de ce mois de décembre. Quand je suis arrivée à l’aéroport de Londres Heathrow, j’ai failli rater le vol: on m’a refoulée à l’enregistrement parce que je n’avais pas d’ETA (electronic travel authority), système récemment adopté afin de faciliter l’entrée des touristes en Inde. J’y reviendrai de manière plus détaillée dans un blog à venir. De toute façon, après une série d’appels téléphoniques vers l’Inde et un entretien avec le chef d’escale d’Etihad, j’ai pu expliquer que le nouveau système, annoncé le 5 décembre, n’entrait pleinement en vigueur qu’à partir du 27. Youpi – j’ai pu m’envoler vers Trivandrum! A l’arrivée là-bas, je me suis quand même rendu compte que j’aurais mieux fait de demander l’ETA, car le procès d’obtenir un VOA (visa on arrival) durait une éternité. La leçon que j’ai apprise, c’est de se tenir au courant des modifications des régimes des visas.

Après une première rencontre avec les organisateurs du concours #CometoKerala, je suis allée avec les autres participants faire une promenade de l’hôtel (Turtle on the Beach) à la plage de Kovalam, laquelle ce jour de samedi était bourrée de gens. Si jamais tu te trouves à Kovalam, très tôt le matin, il faut observer les pêcheurs qui ramènent leurs grands filets. A cause du décalage horaire j’avais trop de sommeil ce jour-là, mais on m’a dit que ce moment de la journée offre un spectacle merveilleux.

kerala india


winter floral primark skater dress
I went home to Luxembourg for the first time in two months last weekend and boy was I so over the moon that I couldn't help but goof off a little more than usual when Christine was taking photos of me in Luxembourg City. Here I'm wearing a dress that I bought in Primark for around 13 GBP which I thought was absolutely amazing. It has pockets too! There is a similar printed dress from ASOS here, but unfortunately it doesn't have pockets which would definitely come in handy for keeping your phone tucked away or storing sneaky snacks.

I of course had to slip on my go-to winter footwear: heeled Chelsea boots. I bought mine for 60 GBP in H&M last AW but you can get some from F&F here for only 25 GBP. I am also wearing my new Daniel Wellington watch which I think looks a lot more classier than the usual Casio digital watch.

Bag - Coach
Dress - Primark
Watch - Daniel Wellington
Coat - Choies
Boots - H&M

daniel wellington watch
kaorianne blogkarina blog
coach bag daniel wellington watch
kaorianne ootd
kaorianne luxembourg


I have always been a great fan of monochrome looks with a pop of colour or patterns here and there like this inspiration collage above. After having been to Delft with my parents earlier this year in May, I fell in love with the notable blue and white ceramics. It is so pretty and this clutch kinda gives a Moroccan twist on that blue/white colour combination. I may have to step out of my comfort zone with this lip colour but I think it compliments the other colours so well!

PS, hover over the images for details!