Oh man.. I've been so bad (LIKE REAL BAD; like letting-ben-and-jerry's-melt-in-sun bad) with blogging. What have I become?! A hermit that is. I haven't really been hitting town that much and the last time I charged my camera was when I was in England.. Over 2 weeks ago. OOPS. I'm so sorry you guys. I do plan on filming a haul at some point because I've been shopping quite a bit. I bought this neon/coral blazer in h&m the other day and wore it for National Day in Luxembourg wuuuh. I don't have a lot of plans for the rest of the week but tonight I'll be watching Germany V Italy for suuuure. I MISS YOU GUYS sorry for leaving you 


I went on a mini shopping spree the other week when my friend Christine came to visit. We had a mini shoot as well which you can see a preview of here. We checked out topshop because I had been looking for a pair of coral/neon shorts for summer and I finally found the perfect ones. While I was browsing I also came a across the studded bag which I first saw in one of Faye's videos and I had little cartoon hearts in my eyes just like tom & jerry. I'm so sad that the 2 weeks of fabulous weather went away so quickly. I can't wait to wear these shorts!