My new bikini!
Creepin' in da pool
Hey there again my lovelies, I hope you're all doing well. The Manfriend and I had a pretty lazy day yesterday and he are some photos. I wore that new bikini I showed you a while back and now it's my favourite hehe. Before I left I realised I couldn't find any bottoms so I bought a black stringy/tie at the hips kinda thing with small tassles and golden. It looks much nicer than the way I'm describing it to you right now, I promise. Maybe I can show you a close up of it?

Today.. I'm afraid I don't have much to say about my day today. It rained from last night around dinner time until about 5pm today. We still want to do the elephant trekking so hopefully the weather will perk up for a few hours in the afternoon tomorrow. Speaking of elephants, when the Manfriend and I took a stroll to a nearby starbucks we also (well, I also) stopped to buy a few things and on the way back we saw a bébé elephant! Too cute. I got to feed it as well hehe.

It's slooowly coming towards the end of summer for us. Some of you may have school in under 2 weeks, have already started and some of you may be like me and beginning a new chapter of your lives and starting university. To everyone going back to school and especially my fellow undergrads, good luck!

PS, if you see any spelling mistakes please don't hesitate to point them out!