Live Fast Die Pretty

Hey guys, this was my outfit today. If you saw me in school, I was wearing black gladiator sandals w/ gold studs. They were my go-to flats the entire summer. I haven't done much today but now I'm getting ready to have a dinner + drinks date in town with my friend so I better get off the internet so I don't stress out later. What do I weaaar? Ah my room is going to look even more disastrous than it already is. Seriously, if you'd see it you would wonder how I could ever find anything in it. But actually, I can find things around my room a lot easier than when it's messy. Is that weird? My mind kinda goes like: "Okay so you left the lens cap by the pile of dr denim jeggings and the make up bag, in front of your set of drawers..."
Oh god I have a serious problem don't I?