Hello guys. I passed my theory test YAY! It's actually pretty easy though. Besides that I haven't done much besides sleep and clean my room. I woke up this morning and until the moment I spoke to my mum (15mins later) I didn't know I had lost my voice. It was kinda funny though. It was a bit like rob brydon's little man in a box voice teehee. But of course when I wanted to laugh, I couldn't. Throughout the day I drank unhealthy amounts of tea and my breakfast consisted of a small bowl of honey and eventually my voice got better but I still sound creepy man. I'm portraying a really great image of myself, aren't I? OH dear, I just realised I can't find my camera's battery charger anywhere. It's either at my manfriend's place or at my friend's where I had that shoot, which would suck because she's now back in england. OOOPS...