Porridge with half a chopped banana and cinnamon with a mug of jasmine green tea and some water. I always used to mess up measurements so I would end up with super milky oats or a bucketful of porridge. As I have discovered, a cup of porridge with a cup of milk is really enough and so very very simple. I was going to add blueberries which I bought yesterday but they seemed to have mysteriously disappeared..

I didn't really have a lunch as I was still quite full from the porridge but I started prepping/cooking around 14h30 so I made a little bruschetta which I also made later to serve with dinner.

Spaghetti bolognese - sauce made from scratch. I followed this BBC recipe. Oh man. The bolognese was pretty darn amazing.. I have to admit I was a little hopeless in the beginning. I seemed to resemble a spastic octopus while trying to time everything so that we could eat when my grandma arrived. I sat right by that deep pan "stirring occasionally" for 1h30mins. You guys have no idea how proud I felt when everyone said it was yummy. I was of course browsing for nail art inspiration though. I have finally decided what my next design is going to be! And by the looks of my extensive (ahem..) google research no one has done it yet.

I tend not to overeat but what I eat is sometimes not the best of choices. I am hoping that these posts will encourage me to eat healthier.