I have been um-ing and ah-ing about buying a pair of leopard print flats as the last pair I bought were a questionable 8-pound pair from Primark. I absolutely love prints but there was something about the thought of an all-leopard shoe that did not really do it for me. I love the leopard Vans-style slip-ons that so many people seem to have and which so many brands seem to have emulated, but I could not wrap my head around the style - I did not think they were very me (N.B. I say this now but this idea of "me" and style without a doubt changes over time). When I was in Cardiff visiting my younger brother, we came across a store that sold a variety of clothing items - both men and women - and a variety of brands too. I spotted these shoes and then zoomed straight towards them like there was no tomorrow. I absolutely adore the tiger head on the tip of the leopard print covered shoe by YRU. I think it makes for such an awesome change!
Depuis un bon moment j’hésitais quant à l’achat de souliers plats à motif léopard, car auparavant j’en avais acheté chez Primark une paire qui ne me coûtait que huit livres. J’aime beaucoup les imprimés, mais je n’étais pas convaincue par l’idée de souliers totalement léopard, même si j’adore les chaussures slip-on du style Vans qui est la tendance de la saison et qui a été imité par tant d’autres marques. Mais j’avais du mal à accepter l’idée: je ne croyais pas que le motif léopard fût mon truc. Je dis "mon truc", mais sans doute il change avec le temps! Lors de ma visite chez mon frère à Cardiff, nous avons découvert un magasin qui vendait plusieurs marques de vêtements d’homme et de femme. J’ai repéré ces souliers, et j’y ai braqué tout de suite mon regard. J’adore la tête de tigre au bout du soulier à motif léopard de YRU. C’est une innovation vraiment géniale.
Top - Topshop
Bag - River Island
Jacket - Primark
Shoes - YRU