Today I didn't do much but I had this mini shoot for my friend's art project. I styled my hair this way and I thought it'd be a waste not to take any photos so voilà! This is what I wore to her place- simple, thrown together quickly, something I'd probably wear to school. The leggings+loose tank top combo is unbeatable. SOO I haven't done a lust post in ages but the thing is I've been trying to stay away from topshop's online store (DROOOOOOL). As heartbreaking as it is, I can't lust over little things because I really have to find a nice bal du bac dress (prom/party we have the night of graduation). Last year when I was looking for a dress for my party I came across a website which literally made your dress to fit down to the last mm (kay mebbeh not). They literally asked for every single part of your body to be measured so it fits like a glove. I found the most beautiful dark royal blue dress and I forgot to remember the website. FOOL. Yes, I am a fool because now I've let that dress go and I've been angrily googling for the same website since. Moving on, the only things I've been lusting after for the moment are: LEOPARD PRINT SOCKS. I don't know what it is about them but I think they look so cute with black wedges!
PS, pleeeeease link me a few websites which have good dresses besides boohoo, lipsy, missguided and all the usuals. I'm running out of time (kinda).
Second photo is not mine