The lack of internet connection in the our cottage has been so liberating. I have so much time to read! I could do this back home of course, but I just have no self-control haha. I've now finished "Private Lives" by Tasmina Perry and I started the Ahern book but I don't find it as captivating as her other books. Maybe I'm just growing up? It seems like ages ago that I was reading Jacqueline Wilson books. The third book that's peeking out there is "The Best of Me" by Nicholas Sparks. I've never actually read any of his books despite seeing most of the film adaptations of his novels. The other three are none fiction books which I'm planning on reading/re-reading in the hope that it might help for next year. I actually bought the "Social Intelligence" book after having read "Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ" by the same author, Daniel Goleman. It's a really interesting read; I seriously recommend it.